Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Carbone's got Creative!

What a blast the Carbone wedding was this past weekend! Taking place at Angels Cottage on the Lake in Thomasville (http://www.angelscottageonthelake.com/), Frank and Elizabeth's wedding venue was simply awesome. For those of you who don't know, Frank not only serves as the on air DJ for Pulse 102, but also runs CW DJ Entertainment and personally provides his professional services to weddings through Wake County and beyond on a regular basis. Frank has therefore certainly seen his share of wedding's and was able to incorporate a few great and creative ideas into his which I have felt compared to share. Below are 3 distinct factors from the Carbone wedding which will separate this particular wedding from the many others that Top Notch has done in the past.

 1. Assigned tables for seating.....get a ticket as a souvenir!! Check out the below picture, how cool is this? 60-70% of the weddings that Top Notch works requires assigned seating for the guests during the reception. The majority of the times, these "assigned tables" are simply labeled numerically, (ie: table 1, table 2, etc.) The Carbone's wedding differs from most in that Frank & Elizabeth labeled each table by a specific music artists name. They took the idea a step further by actually printing physical tickets of the artists tables. As guests entered the reception hall, each was required to find their ticket which they could tear off of a designed board, upon finding their ticket they discovered the artists name of the table where they would sit. I'm assuming the same concept could be applied to Movies, such as movie tickets for "The Fast & Furious" table, "Titanic" table, etc, but Top Notch has yet to see a wedding where actual physical tickets as souvenirs were given to guests

2. Shoe Game with Ducks- Before the dancing, before the cutting of the cake, yet immediately after dinner, Frank and Elizabeth played the "Shoe Question" game, however, instead of removing their shoes, the bride and groom had rubber duckies, 1 painted wearing a tuxedo, while the other was wearing a wedding gown. I for one got a great kick out of their prop and have to agree with the bride and groom that using a comical, and unique toy prop for the game is more appealing, more convenient, and simply more classy than having the bride and groom remove their shoes to play

3. Bouquet Toss- I cannot tell you how many weddings Top Notch has played "Single Ladies" as the official song for the Bouquet Toss during the reception. Don't get me wrong, I personally love the song. It's a great dance jam, it's upbeat, and of course is appropriately fitting for the Bouquet Toss. Elizabeth however, chose for Top Notch to play "Girl Fight" by Brooke Valentine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhBM7H-ggvY) as her song for this particular part of the reception. I found her song selection unique as I personally have never had a bride choose this song and like "Single Ladies" but in a more humorous way, it certainly is appropriate for the Bouquet Toss point of the reception.

Pictures by Your Still Life Photography should be be available on the website in a matter of weeks. Thanks again Frank and Elizabeth for letting Top Notch take part in your special day, it was a privilege and a blast!!

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